
Top 10 Tips to Help With Morning Sickness

Pregnancy can be an exciting time, though morning sickness is all too common around the six-week mark. Research estimates around 70 to 80% of people experience nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, with varying symptoms that can occur regardless of the time of day. While uncomfortable, you can manage your symptoms with the correct remedies, such … Continued

5 Foods That Help Fight Nausea During Pregnancy

The anticipation of a new bundle of joy in your family is an exciting time of baby names, cute clothes and decorating their nursery. During these first few trimesters, as plans begin to fall into place, you may experience a bit of morning sickness or continued nausea throughout your pregnancy. Not to worry! With a … Continued

How To Prevent Food Poisoning At Home

Foodborne illness, also known as food poisoning, is common, though preventable. You can get food poisoning after consuming food that has been contaminated with various germs or toxic substances. Approximately 48 million people experience food poisoning yearly, with 3,000 fatal cases, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Anyone can get food … Continued

What to Eat While Recovering From Food Poisoning

After days of food poisoning, you finally have the urge to eat again. While it may be challenging to get excited about food, it’s essential to nourish your body with something. Experts recommend letting your stomach settle after you’ve experienced the most severe symptoms of food poisoning, like diarrhea and vomiting. That means avoiding food … Continued

4 Ways to Boost Your Immune System

With the holiday season right around the corner, there is no better time to find ways to boost your immune system. Winter can bring a range of bacterial infections and contagious illnesses to your home, workplace, and public settings you regularly visit. Luckily, with a healthy immune system, you can easily fight off these sicknesses … Continued

7 Best Immune-Boosting Foods

Getting sick is never ideal. As the weather changes and waves of common illnesses make their way through your community, the chances of catching an illness become greater. Though some people wait until they’re already sick to treat their symptoms, there are ways to prioritize your health to prevent sickness. Research shows that fruits and … Continued

The Long-Term Effects of Chronic Dehydration

Water is essential to our health. It accounts for 55%-60% of the adult body, performing vital functions such as lubricating joints, aiding digestion, flushing waste and toxins, keeping the skin and eyes healthy, and much more. However, as important as water is, many people aren’t getting enough of it.  Dehydration is a dangerous condition that can worsen … Continued

Why Am I Not Losing Weight? Understanding Weight Loss

Do you feel like you put great effort into dieting and working out to see no results? Your frustration is felt and understood by many people in the same position — weight loss is no easy feat.  Because we’re all different, our bodies respond differently to the same workouts, exercise and diets. In some cases, … Continued

7 Ways to Boost Your Energy and Focus

Everything we do requires energy. From completing challenging tasks at work to enjoying a night out with friends, proper energy levels help us make the most of our day. A lack of energy can make even the most simple tasks seem overwhelming and exhausting. While a coffee or energy drink may help you for a … Continued

What Is a Banana Bag IV?

You’ve likely heard that hydration after a long night of fun is crucial to getting you back on your feet in no time. But did you know that there is an intravenous (IV) bag designed specifically to target the unpleasant symptoms that come with excessive alcohol consumption? These drips are commonly referred to as banana … Continued

The Benefits of Keeping Your Immune System Strong

Everyone gets sick at some point. But whether you’re suffering from the common cold, a stomach virus or bacterial infections, there is often one common cause for these ailments — a weak immune system. A strong immune system is the key to fighting and preventing sickness. When your immune system is compromised, you become susceptible … Continued

Conquering a Fear of Needles  

Needles are an essential part of medical services. They deliver necessary medications and fluids to the bloodstream to save lives, keep people healthy, fight infections and rehydrate individuals. However, needles also frequently invoke intense anxiety.  When you are afraid of needles, the uncomfortable symptoms and reactions you experience may lead to avoiding critical medical appointments, … Continued

10 Benefits of Staying Hydrated

The entire body depends on water for health, organ function, proper digestion, appearance, and cognition. Staying hydrated significantly benefits the body, and you probably notice how much happier and healthier you feel when you are well-hydrated.  Dehydration can happen quickly if you consume too little water, engage in intense exercise, overheat, or experience illness. You … Continued

Sunburn vs. Sun Poisoning: What Are the Differences?

Spending time out in the sun can offer many benefits, such as improved mood and better sleep. Still, sometimes we might use the wrong protection or stay out longer than we should, leading to sunburn or even sun poisoning. These conditions can be harmful to your skin and eventually become life-threatening — it’s important to … Continued